Past Speakers
FFBC members enjoy breakfast and a speaker during our monthly gatherings. Breakfast begins promptly at 7:00am. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are at Hoyt Sherman Place. To view upcoming speakers, click here.
Hoyt Sherman Place (Web site)
1501 Woodland Avenue
Des Moines,IA 50309

December 7, 2012
Reverend Jonathan Page
Ames United Church of Christ

November 2, 2012
Bill McCarthy
Polk County Sheriff

November 2, 2012
Carol Greta
Legal counsel to the Iowa Department of Education

September 7, 2012
Justice Michael Streit
Former Iowa Supreme Court Justice, JFK Profiles In Courage Award recipient

August 3, 2012
Donna Red Wing
Drake University Agronomist

July 6, 2012
Matt Russell
Drake University Agronomist

June 1, 2012
Rabbi David Horowitz
National president of PFLAG

May 4, 2012
Scott Schoettes
The regional head of Lambda Legal

April 6, 2012
Dr. Steven Leath
President of Iowa State University

April 6, 2012
Ellen Krug
Lawyer and contributor to AccessLine

February 3, 2012
John Berry,
Director of the White House Office of Personnel Management

February 3, 2012
John Berry,
Director of the White House Office of Personnel Management