Past Speakers
FFBC members enjoy breakfast and a speaker during our monthly gatherings. Breakfast begins promptly at 7:00am. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are at Hoyt Sherman Place. To view upcoming speakers, click here.
Hoyt Sherman Place (Web site)
1501 Woodland Avenue
Des Moines,IA 50309

December 6, 2013
Rabbi Edelman-Blank
Tifereth Synagogue, Des Moines

November 1, 2013
Jody Jenner
President and CEO of Broadlawns Medical Center

October 4, 2013
Brad Anderson
Candidate for Iowa Secretary of State

September 6, 2013
Zachary Mannheimer
Executive Director, Des Moines Social Club

August 2, 2013
Ambassador Kenneth Quinn
Executive Director, World Food Prize

June 7, 2013
Dr. Jason Glass
Executive Director of the Iowa Department of Education

May 3, 2013
Sean Faircloth
Executive Director of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason

April 5, 2013
Rep. Daniel Lundby (D)
Openly Gay Iowa House Representative from Cedar Rapids/Marion

March 1, 2013
Greg Gross
Director of Project HIM (AIDS Project of Central Iowa)
Click here to see the YouTube clip Greg showed during his presentation.

February 1, 2013
Sean Strub
Sean Strub,
Founder of POZ Magazine and filmmaker, with his guest speaker Nick Rhoades.
Click here to see the YouTube clip Sean showed during his presentation

January 4, 2013
Senator Mike Gronstal,
Iowa Senate Majority Leader
D-District 50 (Council Bluffs)