Past Speakers
FFBC members enjoy breakfast and a speaker during our monthly gatherings. Breakfast begins promptly at 7:00am. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are at Hoyt Sherman Place. To view upcoming speakers, click here.
Hoyt Sherman Place (Web site)
1501 Woodland Avenue
Des Moines,IA 50309

December 2, 2016
Mel Duncan
Executive Director and Cofounder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, the Preeminent International Unarmed Civilian Protection Advocacy Agency, based in Brussels, Belgium.

November 4, 2016
Dr. Maria Filippone, D.O.
Advocate for Physicians for Social Responsibility, who recently journeyed to the Gaza Strip.

October 7, 2016
Jim Mowrer
Democratic Candidate for United States Representative for Iowa’s 3rd District.

September 2, 2016
Jack Schuler,
a trans male Iowa high school English teacher.

August 5, 2016
Shadley Grei,
local filmmaker and performance artist.

July 1, 2016
Congressman David Young,
U.S. Representative for Iowa’s 3rd District.

June 3, 2016
Joshua Barr,
the new Human Rights Director for the City of Des Moines.

May 6, 2016
Tyler McCubbin,
who Dowling Catholic High School declined to hire as a teacher because he is gay and getting married.

April 1, 2016
Joseph Bolkcom
Iowa Senator who introduced an Iowa Death With Dignity statute.

March 4, 2016
Andy Mcguire,
head of the Iowa Democratic Party for a post-mortem on the Iowa Caucuses.

February 5, 2016
Suzanna De Baca,
President/CEO Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

January 8, 2015
Governor Martin O’Malley,
Democratic Presidential Candidate 2016