FFBC Scholarship Information

Annually, the First Friday Breakfast Club awards scholarships to graduating Iowa high school seniors committed to reducing homophobia and increasing awareness and tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) issues in their schools and communities.

Awards will be made in the amount of $3,000 per student. Scholarships are paid in two installments upon receipt of the student’s proof of enrollment in the institution of secondary education.

Applicants must plan to pursue college or other post-secondary education. There is no restriction on the type or location of the institution where post-secondary education is obtained.

Scholarship recipients represent a cross section of students from all Iowa high schools, from urban and rural districts and both public and private schools. These students are leaders in academics, athletics, and the arts. Each has committed their time and talents to helping others to understand and to appreciate the diversity and contributions their LGBTQ+ friends bring to their schools and communities. There are no restrictions in the selection procedure based upon race, religion, creed, marital or employment status, sexual orientation or gender identity expression of the applicant.

A Scholarship Committee rates the application materials from every applicant. Once FFBC has determined how many scholarships to award each year (based on donations) the Scholarship Committee makes its recommendations to the Board.

Scholarship brochure Letter to Counselors

Application Materials

For the 2024-2025 school year, all application materials must be emailed by March 15, 2025.

Application form (Word document) Application form (PDF)

Scholarship Timeline


Letter to Potential Donors: December

Letter to Iowa Counselors: January

Email to Iowa Counselors: February

Application Deadline:

Emailed or Uploaded by March 15

Recipients Announced: On or about May 1

Recipients Recognized: Scholar Award Ceremonies at local schools

Recipients Celebrated: FFBC June Meeting