LGBTQ+ Resources
Click on the Icons Below for More Information
Other Resources:
- Drake University – BGLAAD (Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Ally Alliance at Drake)
- (515) 271-3711 (for messages only, please leave message for Sarah Olson, President)
- bglaad@yahoo.com
- Guide To Choosing an LGBTQ-friendly College.
- ISU: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Student Services Center
- LGBTQ Scholarships
- LGBTQ Student Experience Guide
- Wells Fargo GLBT Resource Group, PRIDE-IA
- Dave (515) 241-4925
- Dan (515) 237-2766
- PRIDE-IA@wellsfargo.com
- Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus
- 9 to 5 Survival Hotline
- Free, confidential information and referrals on workplace rights
- 1 (800) 522-0925
- American Friends Service Committee
- Quaker Social Service Organization
- 4211 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312
- (515) 274-4851
- Capital City Pride, Inc
- Des Moines Diversity Chorus – a member of the Gay & Lesbian Association of Choruses
- Rehearse Mondays, 7 – 9 pm
- Urbandale UCC, 3530 7th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322
- Elsie Naylor (515) 276-0625 or (515) 276-6607
- Des Moines Pride Center
- 1620 Pleasant St, Ste 244, Des Moines, IA 50314
- 515-274-5518
- Heartland Gay Rodeo Association (HGRA)
- 1 (800) 561-6918
- Imperial Court of Iowa, inc.
- Non-profit fundraising and social organization with open membership
- PO Box 13201, Des Moines, IA 50310
- ImperialCourtIA@aol.com
- LGBTQ Guide to Stay Safe Online
- Iowa LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce
- One Iowa/One Iowa Education Fund
- Mission: Works to promote equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals living in Iowa through grassroots education and advocacy, and grassroots efforts and education, respectively.
- (515) 288-4019
- PFLAG Des Moines Facebook Page
- Pride Sports League
- Providing recreational and networking opportunities through sports to the LGBTA community in the Des Moines metro area.
- Info@pridesportsleague.org
- P. O. Box 146, Des Moines, IA 50301
- Pride Sports League Facebook Page
- Prime Timers of Central Iowa
AARP Resources for LGBTQ Caregiving
- Respectful and Competent LGBT-Friendly Caregiving Care (aarp.org)
- Updated LGBTQ Community Caregiving Guide
Aging Resources of Central Iowa
- https://www.agingresources.com
- Helps find resources for adult caregivers or those who need care
LifeLong Links https://lifelonglinks.org 1-866-468-7887
- A free state-wide service to help find aging-related and disability-related home and community-based services
- SAGE is the country’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older people.
SAGE-Human Rights Campaign Foundation Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI)
- https://thelei.org
- The Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) is a program of SAGE and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The goal of the LEI is to create a network of long-term care centers across the country that are providing a welcoming home for older LGBTQ people.
One Iowa Resources for LGBTQ Older Adults: https://oneiowa.org/resources/lgbtq-older-adults/
- Inclusive health and social resources for LGBTQ Older Iowans
- As an official SAGE partner, One Iowa is included in the SAGE database, and they have a dedicated contact for our region who can assist folks in need.
- The Project of Primary Health Care (Des Moines)
- Support and referral for women and families infected/affected with HIV
- c/o Shelly Gordon PO Box 41283, Des Moines, IA 50311
- (515) 284-7037
- heroes4@juno.com
- Polk County Health Department STD Testing
- First Friday Breakfast Club (FFBC) – LGBTQ+ Persons and their Allies
- ManKind Project (MKP) – personal growth and development
- Prime Timers – Central Iowa
- Addiction Center
- Alcoholics Anonymous – Des Moines IA
- LGBT AA Groups – Des Moines
- Select LGBT in the “Attended by Everyone” column for meeting listing
- Contact AA Central Office and ask for a Gay or Lesbian contact person and/or meetings.
- (515) 282-8550 (24 hours)
- Toll Free: 1 (800) 207-2172 (24 hours)
- Ames: (515) 232-8642 (12 – 6 pm)
- Select LGBT in the “Attended by Everyone” column for meeting listing
- LGBT AA Groups – Des Moines
- All Treatment Free Local LGBTQ Rehab Center Locator
- Desert Hope Treatment Center
- 2465 East Twain Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121
- (888) 983-0927
- http://deserthopetreatment.com/drug-abuse/lgbt-community/
- Drug and Alcohol Addiction in the LGBTQ Community
- DrugRehab.com
- LGBT Friendly Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers
- http://www.rehabcenter.net/lgbt-friendly-drug-alcohol-rehab-centers/
- 483 Mandalay Ave., Clearwater FL 33767
- Toll Free: (800) 406-7633
- Pride Institute (Minnesota HQ)
- 14400 Martin Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
- Toll Free: 1 (800) 54-PRIDE (7-7433)
- http://www.pride-institute.com/
- Quit Smoking Community
- The Retreat – Wayzata MN: Drug and Alcohol Recovery (LGBTQ+ Open & Affirming)
- The Recovery Village – LGBTQ+ Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources
- Rehab Spot
- Ridgefield Recovery
- MortgageLoan.com
- A Comprehensive guide to housing and mortgages for LGBT couples.
- http://www.mortgageloan.com/lgbt/
- Blazing Saddle
- 416 E. 5th Street, Des Moines IA 50309
- (515) 246-1299
- http://www.theblazingsaddle.com/
- Buddy’s Corral
- 418 E 5th St, Des Moines, IA 50309 50309
- (515) 244-7140
- Buddy’s Corral Facebook Page
- The Garden
- 525 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50309
- (515) 243-3965
- http://www.grdn.com/
Out Late With David – podcast focused on the stories of those coming out later in life LGBTQ+. Website also has an extensive listing of coming out resources, books, podcasts and stories. Host is certified professional life coach David Cotton. https://www.OutLateWithDavid.com
Graying Rainbows is a podcast devoted to those who are coming out LGBT+ Later in Life. It was launched in November 2018 by Dr. Ginger Campbell. Coming Out is not a one-time event, it is a life-long process, but coming out later in life presents its own unique challenges. Unfortunately there are few books and other resources devoted to this topic. One goal of Graying Rainbows is to fill this gap by providing useful information and a place where people from diverse backgrounds can share their stories. https://grayingrainbows.com/
Yass, Jesus! explores what it means to be a Christ-loving member of the LGBTQIA+ community in these divided times. Actor Daniel Franzese (Mean Girls, Looking) and former televangelist Azariah Southworth host this funny, inclusive, sex-positive show designed to playfully mimic a traditional Christian Sunday church service. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yass-jesus/id1506093101
- First Friday Breakfast Club Scholarship Awards
- Applications due March 31 of each year
- https://ffbciowa.org/scholarships
- Central Presbyterian Church
- 3829 Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
- 515-279-3658
- Church of the Holy Spirit (MCC)
- Worship at 10:30 am, Sundays
- at First Christian Church
25th & University, Des Moines, IA 50311
2nd Floor Chapel – elevator in lobby off 25th St - Rev. Peg Esperanza, Senior Pastor (515) 287-9787
- chsmccdmia@aol.com
- http://www.chsrainbowcyberchurch.com
- Cottage Grove Avenue Presbyterian Church
- Worship at 10:30 am, Sundays
- 24th & Cottage Grove, Des Moines, IA 50311
- (515) 279-8877
- Des Moines Valley Friends Meeting
- Worship at 10 am, Sundays
- 4211 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312
- (515) 274-4717
- Downtown Disciples, an LGBTQ+ Affirming Progressive Faith Community
- Worship on Sundays at 5 p.m.
- Potluck on 2nd Sundays
- 500 E. Locust Street, third floor
- Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- (515) 244-0054
- Pastor: Senior Minister, Debbie Griffin
- downtowndisciples@gmail.com
- www.downtowndisciples.org
- Faith Covenant UCC
- Worship at 10:30 am, Sundays, Emerson Elementary School, 1109 E Euclid Avenue, Indianola, IA 50125
- PO Box 811, Indianola, IA 50125
- (515) 961-9370
- First Unitarian Church
- Worship Services: 4:30 pm Saturdays, 9:00 am 1st Service Sundays, 10:30 am 2nd Service Sundays
- Coffee/Social Time after each service
- 1800 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315
- (515) 244-8603
- www.ucdsm.org
- First United Methodist Church
- 1001 Pleasant St, Des Moines, IA 50309
- 515-244-6209
- Grace Lutheran Church (ELCA)
- Worship at 8:15 am and 10 am (Summer), 10:45 am (September through May) Sundays
- 3010 52nd Street, Des Moines, IA 50310
- (515) 276-6873
- Grace United Methodist Church
- 3700 Cottage Grove Ave, Des Moines, IA 50311
- 515-255-2131
- Plymouth Congregational (UCC)
- Worship at 5:30 pm, Saturdays in Waveland Hall
- Worship at 9 and 11 am, Sundays in Sanctuary
- 4126 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312
- (515) 255-3149
- plymouthglbt@yahoo.com
- www.plymouthglbt.com
- St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
- 5720 Urbandale Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310
- 515-255-2101
- St. John’s Lutheran Church
- 600 6th Ave, Des Moines, IA 50309
- 515-243-7691
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral
- 815 High St, Des Moines, IA 50309
- 515-288-7297
- Trinity United Methodist Church
- Worship at 10 am, Sundays
- 1548 8th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314
- (515) 288-4056
- Unity Church of Des Moines
- Worship at 9:15 and 11 am, Sundays
- Meditation & Class at 7 pm, Wednesdays
- 414 31st Street, Des Moines, IA 50312
- Gregory Olson, Pastor (515) 255-7757
- Urbandale UCC
- Worship at 8:30 and 10:30 am, Sundays
- 3530 70th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322
- (515) 276-0625
- Walnut Hills United Methodist Church
- 12321 Hickman Rd, Urbandale, IA 50323
- 515-270-9226
- Wellspring Community Church
- Meeting at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Lower Level
- Worship at 4:30 pm, Sundays
- 815 High Street Downtown, Des Moines
(Enter red door on High Street with sign.) - Rev. Naomi Kirstein (515) 279-8248 www.wellspringdsm.org
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- 4114 Allison Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310
- 515-274-1534
- Word of God Ministries
- Worship at 4:30 pm, Sundays and 7 pm, Wednesdays
- St. Mark’s Episcopal, 3120 E. 24th Street, Des Moines, IA 50321
- Donald Bennett, Pastor (515) 264-1515
- Best Colleges Guide for LGBTQ Students
- Bi Foundation, also known as The American Institute of Bisexuality (AIB)
- Bi.org: mission to connect bi people around the world and provide accurate, accessible, scientifically-sound information about (bi)sexuality.
- Gayellow Pages
- The original LGBT Information Resource since 1973
- Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
- GLBT National Help Center
- Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
- Iowa Safe Schools
- Matthew Shepard Foundation
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons (PFLAG)
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Transformations IOWA
- FTM and MTF transgender support group
- Meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month
- Contact Jayden at TransformationsIOWA@yahoo.com or (515) 779-5187
- Trans Teen Online Chat Group
- Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m.
- http://www.glbthotline.org/transteens
- Lavendar Victory Fund
- 700 Rose Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315
- (515) 229-5835
- Women’s Cultural Collective
- PO Box 22063, Des Moines, IA 50315
- (515) 830-1775
- wcc@iowawcc.org
- http://www.iowawcc.org